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Understanding the New Pride Flag and Being a Better Ally at Work in 2022

Written by Monica Ahmadi | Jun 30, 2022 5:11:32 PM

You may have noticed a few new colours in the Pride flag and are wondering what it means. Digital designer Daniel Quasar created a new flag in 2018 that is starting to gain traction as it expands the scope of LGBTQIA+ inclusion. It is now referred to as the Progress Pride flag and incorporates Black/Brown for People of Colour and White/Blue/Pink to include the Trans community. The colour white is specific to those who may categorize themselves as outside of the gender binary, in the process of transitioning or are intersex1.

As pride continues to expand and in the wake of change, it is helpful to remember some of the ways that you can be a better ally and create a more inclusive workplace. It is important to remember that these tips are not to only be incorporated during pride month but every day!

  1. Incorporating your pronouns in work conversations, emails, and meetings


Adding your pronouns to your email signature, Zoom name, LinkedIn, etc. is a simple way to signify to LGBTQIA+ people in your workplace that they work in a safe and progressive environment. Even if it’s not of personal importance to you to emphasize your pronouns, it reflects to your colleagues that they can feel more than comfortable doing so.


You can also identify your pronouns in conversations in the workplace to create an open space for conversation. For example, if you’re leading a new hire meeting, introduce yourself with your pronouns so that they feel comfortable introducing themselves with their pronouns as well.


  1. Provide colleagues with resources on how to support LGBTQIA+ organizations


Supporting the LGBTQIA+ community goes beyond displays of encouragement during Pride Month and requires initiative year-round. During Pride Month, companies need to be wary of how they show their support so as to not come off as ingenuine. Providing resources for employees to support LGBTQIA+ organizations facilitates an opportunity to take advocacy to the next level by creating an avenue for meaningful change.


You can amplify this initiative by including a list of LGBTQIA+ organizations that your company supports. This signifies genuine corroboration and may motivate others in your workplace to take part and seek out their own organizations as well. Did you know a lot of LGBTQIA+ organizations have job boards? By sponsoring, promoting or becoming a member, you can advocate access to workplaces that celebrate inclusivity and diversity. One of our favourites is Pride at Work


  1. Create an anonymous forum to encourage transparent conversation  


Regardless of an organization's intent to create an inclusive culture and support LGBTQIA+ in the workplace, people may still find themselves uncomfortable in addressing even minor issues that they find in the workplace. People may be fearful that speaking out may result in prejudice against them or reflect on them negatively in front of their superiors.


Creating an anonymous forum for employees to express what changes would make them more comfortable as an ally or members of the LGBTQIA+ community, opens the door for real and honest communication. An anonymous forum is also a great opportunity for employees to share their experiences, and leaders can use this feedback to better understand what is working and what isn’t.


  1. Make a consistent effort to stay updated and educated on LGBTQIA+ progression


We live in an era of constant change and that couldn’t be more accurate in terms of the LGBTQIA+. Being a true ally requires consistent education and recognition of the scope of inclusivity that falls under the organization. 


Making an honest effort to stay educated on these topics removes the chance of creating an uncomfortable work environment and opens you up to be a resource for employees who may have questions. The better-educated employees and leaders are, the higher the likelihood of creating a work environment in which every employee experiences feelings of safety and belonging.


At TPD, one of our core values is equity. We see allyship as a responsibility of our leaders and employees, rather than an option. We understand that creating space for conversation and education is essential to building an inclusive work environment, making a conscious effort to help our team stay informed by sharing information like the update on the new pride flag above!

While there is still plenty of opportunity for growth, TPD is committed to creating a community of trust that extends beyond our workplace and into our client partnerships. Interested in learning about how TPD can help your organization build a diverse and inclusive workforce? Talk to our team today!