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5 Signs You Are Ready for a New Job

Apr 11, 2022 9:00:00 AM
By Linda Trzyna

in Job Seeker, career advancement

When is it time to look for a new job? Your answer may depend on your age.

For instance, “21% of millennials say they’ve changed jobs in the past year; that’s three times higher than non-millennials,” according to a Gallup survey cited by The Muse. “And only half of millennials plan to be at the same company a year from now, compared to 60% of folks from other generations.”

Whatever your age, how do you recognize when you may be ready to move on to a new opportunity? Here are five top signs that it might be time to start a job search.

  1. Lack of motivation. Apathy in the workplace eventually will show in your work and attitude and that could negatively affect your career in the long run.

“Carefully evaluate how you feel when you attend work and if you’re motivated or passionate about completing your job duties,” recommends Indeed.

If your job isn’t supplying adequate mental stimulation, you have two choices: Ask for greater challenges or find a job that will provide new experiences and challenges.

  1. Coasting at work may sound fine, but most people are happier in a job where they can learn, grow and advance. A job that lacks challenges also may lack career advancement, which in turn leaves little opportunity for increases in salary and benefits.

“If you can’t remember the last time you learned something new on the job, you’ve likely become complacent and are no longer growing or improving your skills,” says FirstHand. “It might be time to update your skills or get some additional training that will allow you to advance within the company, or look for a new job.”

  1. Does being at work – or even the thought of being at work – makes you irritable? Do little things tick you off? Do you complain a lot about work or argue with co-workers?

“If your dissatisfaction with your job is causing tension in the office or if you have received warnings about your performance or behavior, it’s definitely time to start looking for a new position,” according to The Balance Careers.

  1. Perhaps you are having trouble focusing at work – spending a chunk of your day scrolling through social media or finding reasons to put off an assignment. Maybe you’ve even started idly scanning job ads. These could all be signs you’ve already mentally punched out.

In that case, start considering what you want to do with your future, says LinkedIn. “You want to be sure you run toward your ideal career path and not away from something that is leaving you unfulfilled. Practicing the patience to figure out what you really want is much more rewarding and will save you time and money in the long run.”

  1. Workplace stress is a top reason people want to leave a job. In fact, some of the signs mentioned above, including apathy and irritation, also are signals of work stress, according to The Mayo Clinic. Unchecked, work stress can strain your mental health or lead to burnout.

“The best time to change jobs is not when you feel an urgent need for a change,” Christian Eilers, a career expert at online resume builder Zety, told Business Insider. “Often when one feels pressured to find a new job, they will be more likely to accept mediocre offers and lower their requirements to get out of an existing position.”


If you decide it’s time to leave your current role, join the TPD Talent Community, find jobs and check out our free job seeker resources. TPD is committed to helping people succeed.

Filed under Job Seeker, career advancement

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